Diabetic Mellitus, thyroid disorders, high cholesterol, fatty liver, gall stone, high S.uric acid, Obesity, etc.
The hormonal system (also called the endocrine system) is a network of glands and organs in the body that produce hormones. Hormones are important for almost all cells in the body to work. They influence your metabolism, growth and many other functions.
Our whole body governs through P-N-E-I Axis. In which E- stands for our endocrinal system.
Disturbance of hormones produces disturbance at metabolism leads to produce various disorders for example lack of insulin produce diabetes mellitus, imbalance of protein produce more uric acid and gout, imbalance of fat produce obesity and hyper cholesterol which leads to producing high blood pressure and various coronary heart diseases etc.
Even nature has given women a very efficient endocrinal system which almost govern her every stages of life. When it disturbs, it produces various endocrinal disorders like hypothyroidism (more common in women than men) and menstrual disorders like sever bleeding, sever pain during menses, white discharge, irregular menses, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopausal syndrome etc. It also produces various ovarian and uterus disorders like ovarian cyst (PCOD), uterine fibroid etc.
As homoeopathic medicine acts on P-N-E-I Axis in order to cure the person; it has a very good scope to restore the functions of the endocrinal system without any hormonal therapy.
It is not necessary that you have to take medicine for a lifetime for diabetes, hypothyroidism, uric acid, higher cholesterol or menstrual disorders if homoeopathic treatment started at earlier stages. Once we start homoeopathic treatment, at the regular interval we will check the hormonal status and reduce allopathic medication side by side.
Along with homoeopathy, modification in lifestyle and diet is necessary especially in cases of endocrinal disorders.
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