When any disturbance occurs inside our body, first it will be expressed through the skin as it is the outer layer of our body.
When you are too much stressed out or depressed or disturbed, your skin, your face will express it in a better way than yourself.
When the endocrine system disturbed, it tends to produce acne, dark pigmentation, lipoma, offensive odour from the perspiration, hair falling, baldness in patches, and excessive hair at unwanted places.
White patches or vitiligo represents the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in our body. It is also one of the symptoms of leprosy with loss of sensation of the affected part, which is still considered as a social stigma.
Skin problems like Psoriasis, eczema, fungal infection, warts, ringworm, herpes zoster, moles, alopecia (baldness in patches), hair falling, white hair, scabies, lichen planus, sun allergy, dermatitis, Urticarial rash are merely an expression on the skin of inner disturbance at the immune system level.